Our Services

Healing and Deliverance moment
If you need prayer, Deliverance and healing, Book your appointment today
Monday to Friday

9am – 5pm


  • Wednesday Rehma Word 6:30PM – 7:30pm
  • Sunday 10am – 11am


Join our live program

On Facebook (Faith Fire Christain Church) Youtube(Faith Fire TV)

everyday@12 noon and 6:00pm.

You will be mightly blessed


  1. Membership class
  2. Maturity Class
  3. Ministry Class
  4. Missions/Evangelism Class


Come as you are

At Faith Fire Christian Church, we deal in real-life, not make-believe, so there is no room for spiritual superiority or reputation building. Just come as you are, because nobody here is perfect—and hopefully, nobody pretends to be.

Do Life Together.

Life Groups are a place for you to experience community, connection, and growth. We offer several groups t hat meet on and off campus throughout the year for every age and stage of life. It is our hope that at Faith Fire Christian Church you can find people to do life together with.

Give generously.

We serve a generous God who gives us many things to enjoy. As a church, we are blessed with generous people who freely give back to God their tithes and offerings. We want you to know that your generosity is making a difference, both here and around the world.

Join a team

You were created on purpose, with purpose, by a God who thinks your life is way too important to let you spend it all on yourself. Our desire is to help you discover and develop your life’s purpose by offering you opportunities to serve and connect. Whether you are people-oriented or task-oriented, introverted or extroverted, a long-term Christ follower or just checking God out, we have a team for you.


Make disciples

We want people to go and share what Christ has done in their lives. We want people to tell the story of the place that God has brought them. We want people to share their life change. Our vision is to continually focus on discipleship so we’re not just bringing people to Christ, we’re growing mature Christ followers as well.st follower or just checking God out, we have a team for you.