

Our vision is to challenge a generation of men to rise up and be the best husbands, dads, sons, employers and employees they can be.

We will cultivate a culture of biblical manhood and to see our families, workplaces and cities transformed. We have opportunities for men of all ages and backgrounds to connect and events are designed to challenge and unite us to collectively seek God and serve together


What is it?

We have gone LIVE through the power of video conference calling and are meeting every dey, (except stat holidays). Men is a space where we walk alongside each other as teammates and learn how to become authentic men. Through worship, sharing, prayer, and God’s word we encourage each other and sharpen each other, as iron sharpens iron.


What does it take?

There’s no homework, no commitment, and any man is invited.

How do I join?

You can email to join or get more information.