
Connect to the blessing of Partnership Today!

What is Partnership?

The partnership is for you to be part of the FFCC family with us to preach the goodness of God on every available media, TV, Internet, Radio, Advertisement, and Charitable work. As you add your love, faith, hope, prayers, and finances, we fulfill the mission God has given us all. Together, through your generosity you share in the honors for every soul won for the kingdom, everyone is healed, and liberated and every life is changed with salvation.

Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. Philippians 4:17

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”  Luke 6:38

May the Lord bless you for choosing to partner with Faith Fire Christian Church (FFCC)!

You are one step away from becoming our Covenant Partner.

Giving activates our partnership.

Don’t miss out on the financial blessing of partnership. When you sow your seed in faith, we expect…

  • fruit to abound to your account.
  • the Lord to bless the work of your hands and family. 
  • the Lord to provide opportunities for your increase.

Your Partner gift enables FFCC to carry out its local and online outreach, directly connecting you as a partaker in the work of the ministry, the anointing of God upon Apostle John and Prophetess Faith Iseghohi, will hit you and your family, while receiving the rewards of every soul saved and life impacted.

There is no requirement as to how much you give. In Luke 21:1-4, the widow who gave two mites is still being talked about today. What’s most important is seeking the Lord as to what He would have you sow. As the Word promises, “Give, and it shall be given to you…” (Luke 6:38).

As for us, we want to see ALL of our Partners blessed and living in abundance. We stand on Philippians 4:17, not looking for the gift, but rather for the fruit that abounds to your account!  

Are you ready for an abundant increase of God’s blessings in your life?

If so, then activate your partnership by sowing a financial seed today!




*Reoccurring monthly contribution is currently available through Paypal only. If you would like to give monthly through debit, credit card, or any of the online giving apps, please call us or WhatsApp us at +1 604.500.0941

Apostle John and Faith Iseghohi love and pray for you every day.

We are here for you. 

Need prayer? Call 604-500-0941. We’re here for you, 24/7!